Be Mindful of The Little Guys


The foundation of “Gentle Nutrition” is understanding that our bodies need certain nutrients to function optimally but is also about being able to balance foods that may not be so nutrient dense without guilt, shame or anxiety. We’ve...
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Crowding In [ Gentle Nutrition ]

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We all have our own personal (and usually quite long) lists of foods that we avoid because of this reason or that. We’re told by both the media and professionals that certain foods are harmful and we need...
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Crowding in Soul Food


The next instalment in our series of Gentle Nutrition and foods to crowd-in for health might surprise you, but I believe it is essential. By soul foods, I mean those foods that may not necessarily be health approved but that...
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An Introduction to Gentle Nutrition


There are so many “rules” out there when it comes to Nutrition. Everywhere you look, people are telling you to stop eating this or start eating that. They have created so many of these rules that I’m pretty...
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