• Simplifying and Decluttering for Better Mental Health: A Guide for Mums

    Simplifying and Decluttering for Better Mental Health: A Guide for Mums

    As a mum, it can be easy to get caught up in the chaos of everyday life and let clutter take over your home. For me, a messy, cluttered home causes A LOT of my anxiety! Even though I hate cleaning, the end result gives me a sense of calm and I feel more in control. So it is not surprising to me that the...
  • Self-care Practices When You Practically Have No Time

    Self-care Practices When You Practically Have No Time

    It can be so easy to say there's not enough time in the day and prioritise every other task while neglecting your well-being. The truth is, when we're super busy, that's often when we need to tend to our self-care the most! Often with busyness comes more stress and overwhelm, which can affect your breathing, heart rate, sleep patterns, immunity, and so much more....
  • How To Embrace Your Imperfections and Find Peace

    How To Embrace Your Imperfections and Find Peace

    Perfectionism is a trait that many of us have. We strive to do everything perfectly, and we feel like failures if we don't achieve it. But, the reality is that perfection is an unattainable goal, and striving for it just leads to stress, anxiety, and even depression. So why are we like this? Often, the tendency towards perfectionism is rooted in our desire for...
  • 5 Ways to Boost Your Happiness Through Autumn and Winter

    5 Ways to Boost Your Happiness Through Autumn and Winter

    As we enter into the cooler months and experience a decrease in sunlight here in the Southern Hemisphere it’s important to find ways to boost your happiness levels and keep your mood uplifted when needed, especially as the temperature drops and we navigate shorter days. Here’s 5 ways to boost your mood through the Autumn and Winter months: Hug it out  Hugging a loved one can...
  • 5 Ways to Overcome Negative Thinking

    5 Ways to Overcome Negative Thinking

    Are you tired of your negative thoughts and limiting beliefs getting in the way when it comes to achieving your goals and desires? You are not alone, in fact humans are born with a natural, ingrained negativity bias, handed down from our ancestors, from the cave man days. This negativity bias was a form of protection, alerting us to potential threats, which could mean...
  • How Shared Rituals Foster Meaningful Connection

    How Shared Rituals Foster Meaningful Connection

    Humans have a basic need for social connection, but did you know that the shared experience of an event, holiday, celebration, or ritual increases your well-being above and beyond the effects of other types of social connection? Think about the collective experience of a family celebration or a big sports event – when you are cheering for something or someone together with others. It...
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